CURE is a broad-spectrum drug that helps treat bacterial infections in shrimp tanks.
Use when
- shrimp turn clear or when they develop milky body color
- Lethargic shrimp
- Molting takes longer than normal-more than 5-20min.
- Shrimp lies on their side
- Shrimp develop ring of death but water parameters are in range
- Shrimp don’t eat much and their antennas are broken
- Shrimp are dying randomly with no reason.
Key Benefits
- Penetrates well into tissues
- Helps treat 95% of bacterial infections in shrimp tank
- May help when other treatments containing a different active ingredient have not worked
- Doesn’t affect plants or snails
- Shrimp breeding will not be affected from CURE treatment
Dosage Instructions
Administer: (0.8-1.0) ml per 10 gal tank for 7-9 days in a row.
Once treatment is complete do 25% Water change.
Measuring pipette included.
- DO NOT use CURE for prevention by dosing it time to time.
- Once started dosing complete whole course of treatment.
- Overdosing won’t hurt shrimp but there are no benefits of it.
- DO NOT use UV sterilizer during treatment
- DO NOT dose Hydrogen Peroxide during treatment
- DO NOT combine it with other drugs.